It was so luscious, I felt it must have special powers... thus, Worry Bunny was born.

I think Dave did not like my Worry Bunny so much, at first; hence his article announcing worry Bunny's death.

But I assured him that, since rabbits reproduce so well, there were plenty more "sons of Worry Bunny" to carry on.

Now Dave seems to be convinced of the value of Worry Bunny and makes a call in an emergency... only to find him headed off for a cruise. Sigh.

But, not to worry, Dave, Worry Bunny is never on vacation!

great series guys!
you are both brilliant!
au contraire mon ami....I love the worry bunny....he is grist for many postcards....
Oh my gosh! The emotional roller coaster! First to find there exists a Worry Bunny. At last, some hope to ease my distress. Then an untimely death by hair frizz (Jaye's hair isn't THAT frizzy!) Then, alive and multiplying! I'm so relieved. If you haven't bought the postcard book, you should! It's hilarious. Glad to know the correspondence is continuing and I look forward to volume 2.
Looks great!
I love the "Worry Bunny"!!
We're going on a motorcycle trip to Colorado next weekend. Please ask the Worry Bunny to give us a safe trip, and no rain while he's at it. I'd like to not worry about those things.
The Worry Bunny protected us. We cancelled our motorcycle ride because of predictions of rain. It was lovely in Santa Fe, but I just heard that it was raining buckets in Colorado. Thank you, Worry Bunny,
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